Amy Guth Amy Guth

Mustard and Wine Pairings

Mustard, with its bold and varied flavors, can be a fantastic companion to wine when paired well. Whether you're planning a sophisticated tasting or simply looking to elevate your next meal, understanding how to match mustard and wine can lead to some delightful culinary experiences.

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Amy Guth Amy Guth

Mythology and Mustard

Mustard, the pungent condiment we know and love, has a rich history that extends far beyond the kitchen. Throughout the ages, this tiny seed has found its way into myths, legends, and cultural symbolism around the world.

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Amy Guth Amy Guth

Mustard Tourism (is a thing)

Welcome to the world of mustard tourism, filled with mustard factory tours, museums, and festivals. There's an entire world of mustard tourism experiences awaiting those who want to fully immerse themselves in the history, production, and celebration of this zesty condiment. From behind-the-scenes factory tours to exhibits memorializing mustard's storied past to lively annual festivals, these mustard destinations offer a glimpse into the magic and traditions behind your favorite seed-based spread.

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Amy Guth Amy Guth

Mustard and Pasta Twists in Italian Cuisine

When you think of Italian pasta dishes, a few iconic sauces likely come to mind - marinara, pesto, ragù, and carbonara. But what about mustard? This zesty condiment may seem like an unlikely addition to traditional Italian cuisine. However, several classic regional pasta preparations actually rely on mustard for their signature flavor. From humble home cooking to haute Italian fare, mustard has carved out a unique niche when paired with pasta.

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Amy Guth Amy Guth

Mustard and Charcuterie

No charcuterie board is truly complete without the perfect mustard accompaniment. The condiment doesn't just add a burst of flavor, but enhances and elevates the entire charcuterie experience.

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Amy Guth Amy Guth

Mustard Pairing and Serving Etiquette

Mustard is one of the most versatile and widely used condiments around the world. From dressing up hot dogs and sandwiches to flavoring marinades and vinaigrettes, mustard can add a distinctive kick to all sorts of dishes. However, there is an art to properly pairing and serving different mustard varieties.

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Amy Guth Amy Guth

DIY Mustard Making

There's nothing quite like the vibrant flavor of freshly made mustard. While finding quality pre-made mustards is easier than ever, making your own mustard at home allows you to customize it to your exact taste preferences. Plus, it's incredibly simple! This step-by-step guide will have you whipping up tangy, zesty homemade mustards in no time.

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Amy Guth Amy Guth

Mixology for Mustard-Infused Cocktails

For adventurous mixologists and cocktail enthusiasts, an unexpected ingredient is making its way into craft cocktails: mustard. While it may sound lowkey ick, mustard can actually add compelling savory, spicy, and acidic notes to drinks. From mustard-washed spirits to mustard syrups and shrubs, mustard is providing a distinctive new dimension to cocktail creativity.

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Amy Guth Amy Guth

Using Mustard in Pickling and Canning

While mustard is beloved as a flavorful condiment, this versatile ingredient can also play a role in extending the shelf life of various foods through pickling and canning and other food preservation practices. The mustard plant itself has been used for preservation purposes dating back to ancient times but today, mustard can lend its distinct flavor and acidity to pickling and canning recepies for everything from pickled vegetables to eggs, meat and more.

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Amy Guth Amy Guth

Mustard and Tea Pairings for Enthusiasts

For adventurous mustard lovers in search of new flavor experiences, we give you: mustard and tea. While it may sound unorthodox at first, these two ingredients can actually complement each other surprisingly well when combined thoughtfully.

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Amy Guth Amy Guth

The brief history of mustard

Mustard is one of the world's most beloved and versatile condiments. Whether you're dressing up a hot dog, adding some zest to a sandwich, or using it as an ingredient in marinades and salad dressings, mustard delivers a burst of flavor that can brighten up any dish. But this ubiquitous bright yellow condiment has a rich and ancient history that stretches back thousands of years

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Amy Guth Amy Guth

Big love for Jewish deli style mustard

Jewish deli-style mustard is known for its bold flavor and spicy kick, which pairs perfectly with classic Jewish deli fare such as pastrami, corned beef, and pickles.

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Amy Guth Amy Guth

German mustard is pretty serious

Known for its bold flavor and unique blend of spices, German mustard is a versatile condiment that can be used in a variety of dishes. One of the defining characteristics of German mustard is its use of brown and black mustard seeds. This gives the mustard a slightly coarser texture and a stronger flavor than other types of mustard.

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Amy Guth Amy Guth

Delicious mustard from the Pacific Northwest

The Pacific Northwest is filled with stunning mountain and coastal landscapes, beautiful trees and plant life, and a whole hell of a lot of really, really delicious small-batch mustard, among other things.

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Amy Guth Amy Guth

Beer mustard you must try

Because beer mustard tends to be less acidic, recipes tend to compensate by doubling down in spiciness. Beer mustard can be used just like any other mustard as sandwich spreads or in salad dressing or glaze recipes, but beer mustard is often complex enough (especially when made from heartier beers like stouts and porters) to stand alone as dips or on charcuterie boards.

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Amy Guth Amy Guth

Finnish mustard is kind of its own deal

Finnish mustard is kind of in a category all its own, as it’s often made with two ingredients not found in a lot of other mustards: cream and sugar. All in, the base of it is generally some combination of mustard powder, sugar, cream and cider vinegar, so the flavor is tangy and sweet, and often a bit spicy.

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