Mixology for Mustard-Infused Cocktails

For adventurous mixologists and cocktail enthusiasts, an unexpected ingredient is making its way into craft cocktails: mustard. While it may sound lowkey ick, mustard can actually add compelling savory, spicy, and acidic notes to drinks. From mustard-washed spirits to mustard syrups and shrubs, mustard is providing a distinctive new dimension to cocktail creativity. Let’s get into it:

Mustard-Washed Spirits

One technique is washing or fat-washing spirits like whiskey, gin, or vodka with mustard to extract its flavors into the alcohol. To make a mustard-washed spirit, combine seeds or prepared mustard with the liquor, let it infuse for several hours, then strain out the mustard. The spirit takes on an unmistakable mustard aroma and spicy taste undertone. Use it in martinis, Manhattans or mustard maple bourbon cocktails.

Mustard Syrups and Shrubs

Mustard syrup, made by simmering mustard seeds or powder with sugar, water and vinegar, provides sweetness with a piquant mustard kick. Use yellow mustard syrup in a tropical mustard rum cocktail or make a spicy ginger mustard syrup for a punchy Moscow Mule variation. Mustard shrubs, which are drinkable vinegar-based syrups, also add a tangy, slightly mustardy twist to cocktails.

Mustard Bitters and Foams

For a subtle background mustard essence, use mustard bitters in cocktails like an Old Fashioned or mustard seed-infused orange bitters in a dry martini. Mustard foam caps can add a touch of piquant aroma to tiki-inspired cocktails or pisco sours. The foams can be made with a combination of mustard powder, citrus, egg whites and even beer.

Savory and Spicy Cocktails

For those craving something truly savory and vegetal, cocktails made with actual mustard greens or mustard powder pack a punch. A leafy mustard green gin cocktail captures the plant's grassy, peppery essence. Or shake up a spicy maple mustard whiskey sour rimmed with a mustard powder and brown sugar blend for sweet and fiery contrast.

While mustard is an uncommon cocktail ingredient, its versatile flavors and ability to add savoriness, spice and acidity make it an intriguing option for mixology innovators. From crisp botanical mustard martinis to sipping smoky and spicy mustard Manhattans, mustard-infused cocktails are certainly not the standard but may be your new favorite signature drink. Mustard's ascent in the mixology world allows cocktail enthusiasts to embark on a bold and zesty adventure in craft cocktailing.


DIY Mustard Making


Using Mustard in Pickling and Canning