Why mustard?

In 1975, James Beard wrote, “I Love Mustard” for Esquire, offering a guide to what he described as the consummate condiment, and a guide that reads like a love letter. In the piece, he describes generalities about various types of mustards from different corners of the world, historical details the evolution of mustard, notes where mustards have appeared in various recipes, and offers tasting notes on more than a couple dozen mustards available on the American market at the time.

Now, there are, of course, hundreds of mustards on the market. The goal here is to taste them all (is that actually possible? probably not, but it’s a good goal) and, more importantly, help you find your favorites.

Some fine print:

We buy the mustards we taste. When we are sent any products for review, we disclose that in the review.

When we link to mustards, we do utilize affiliate links, which can result in a small commission for us. That commission is paid by the retailer, and is no additional cost for you, but it does help us keep the lights on here.