Mustard in desserts? Hear us out

While mustard is typically associated with savory dishes, it can also be used in sweet recipes for a unique and unexpected flavor. Here are a few dessert recipes that involve mustard:

Mustard Ice Cream: This may sound unusual, but mustard ice cream can be a delicious and refreshing dessert. To make it, mix together heavy cream, milk, sugar, and a small amount of Dijon mustard. Heat the mixture until it starts to steam, then let it cool before churning it in an ice cream maker. (More detailed recipe.)

Mustard Brownies: The subtle tanginess of mustard can add depth and complexity to rich chocolate brownies. Simply add a tablespoon or two of Dijon mustard to your favorite brownie recipe before baking. (This recipe variation uses honey mustard.)

Honey Mustard Fruit Salad: This simple and refreshing dessert is perfect for summertime. Toss together your favorite fresh fruit with a dressing made from honey, Dijon mustard, and lemon juice. (For a variation, try this mustard Waldorf salad recipe.)

Mustard Panna Cotta: Panna cotta is a creamy Italian dessert that can be flavored with a variety of ingredients, including mustard. To make a mustard panna cotta, mix together cream, sugar, gelatin, and Dijon mustard. Let the mixture set in the fridge for several hours before serving. (Recipe)

Mustard Cake: This traditional French cake features a unique combination of mustard and honey for a complex flavor. To make it, mix together flour, sugar, baking powder, eggs, olive oil, and a small amount of Dijon mustard. Bake in the oven until golden brown and enjoy! (For a variation, here’s a doughnut recipe with mustard glaze that translates well to a cake, and a carrot and mustard cake, and of course there is the internet-popularized ketchup and mustard cake that basically tastes like carrot cake.)

While mustard may not be the first ingredient that comes to mind when thinking of desserts, it can add an unexpected and delicious flavor to a variety of sweet treats.


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