Mustard and Cheese Pairings for the Ultimate Gourmet Experience

When it comes to elevating your culinary experience, few combinations are as versatile and satisfying as that of mustard and cheese with the interplay between the tangy, zesty notes of mustard and the rich, creamy textures of cheese varieties. In this exploration of mustard and cheese pairing, we'll delve into the art of selecting complementary combinations.

Let’s start by exploring the flavor profiles of both components. Mustard can, of course, range from mild and sweet to sharp and spicy, while cheese spans a spectrum from fresh and mild to aged and robust.

The key with pairing them (or with pairing anything for that matter) is to balance and enhances rather than overwhelm. Try these:

Dijon Mustard with Brie: The creamy and buttery texture of Brie finds a perfect complement in the sharp and sophisticated notes of Dijon mustard. Keep it simple by joining the two in generous layers on a baguette for an elegant appetizer.

Whole Grain Mustard with Gouda: The nutty and slightly sweet characteristics of Gouda pair harmoniously with the coarse texture and whole mustard seeds in whole grain mustard. Enjoy this combination on crackers or artisanal bread.

Honey Mustard with Blue Cheese: The sweetness of very honey-forward honey mustards act as a delightful contrast to the bold and tangy flavors of blue cheese. The pairing pairs will with sliced apples and Marcona almonds.

Spicy Brown Mustard with Aged Cheddar: Introduce a kick to the sharpness of aged cheddar by adding the robust heat of spicy brown mustard. This pairing works exceptionally well on a charcuterie board (and many swear by it in grilled cheese sandwiches).

Horseradish Mustard with Pepper Jack: We’re of two minds on this one: option one is to enhance spice with sweetness like horseradish mustard and cheddar or pepper jack with a sweet fruity mustard. But also? Fighting fire with fire is really delicious when you allow the fiery kick of horseradish mustard to enhance the spicy notes in pepper jack cheese. (But also try the horseradish mustard + cheddar and pepper jack and fruit mustard pairings.)

For a solid mustard and cheese board, you want to include a variety of textures and intensities. Pair milder mustards with softer cheeses and reserve spicier mustards for aged or sharp cheeses. Add complementary elements like fresh fruit, nuts, and toasted bread to really nail it.

In the world of culinary pairings, mustard and cheese stand out as a dynamic duo that unlocks a realm of possibilities. Experiment with different pairings, trust your palate, and enjoy the experience of discovering your favorite mustard and cheese combinations.


Big love for Jewish deli style mustard


Famous Personalities and Their Love for Mustard