Mustard Pairing and Serving Etiquette

Mustard is one of the most versatile and widely used condiments around the world. From dressing up hot dogs and sandwiches to flavoring marinades and vinaigrettes, mustard can add a distinctive kick to all sorts of dishes. However, there is an art to properly pairing and serving different mustard varieties.

Pairing Mustards with Foods

Not all mustards are created equal when it comes to complementing certain foods. As a general rule, follow these pairings:

• Deli meats and sandwiches: Stick to classic yellow or Dijon mustards

• Sausages and hot dogs: Spicy brown or beer mustards work well

• Burgers: Try a zesty flavored mustard like jalapeño or honey mustard

• Charcuterie boards: Pair with a whole-grain or stone-ground mustard

• Salad dressings: Opt for a smooth Dijon or honey-Dijon mustard

The key is considering the other flavors in the dish and choosing mustards that will either contrast or complement them. Don't overwhelm delicate ingredients with an assertive mustard.

Serving Temperatures and Setup

Use room temperature mustard whenever possible, as chilling can mute the flavors. For thicker, grainy mustard varieties, let them sit at room temp for 15-30 minutes before serving to allow the full flavor to bloom.

For mustard service, always provide a small ramekin, crock or mustard pot rather than serving it directly on a plate. This prevents the mustard from smearing all over the dish and looks more polished. Use the proper mustard spoon or small condiment spoon for easy scooping.

If serving multiple mustards for dipping or condiment variety, provide one utensil and ramekin per mustard flavor rather than cross-contamination. You can also do a basic mustard tasting flight by portioning out 1-2 teaspoon samples of each variety.

Creative Mustard Vessels

Look beyond the standard ramekins to serve mustard in creative yet practical ways:

• Shot glasses or small mason jars

• Ceramic espresso cups with saucers

• Vintage salt cellars or pinch bowls

• Small skillets or cast iron pots

• Hollow out a artisanal bread boule and pour mustard inside

The right serving piece adds a fun, decorative touch while keeping portions under control.

With so many delicious mustard styles out there, treat this condiment with the proper respect. Pairing the right mustard with the appropriate dish, serving it at the correct temperature, and presenting it in an appetizing way enhances your meal. Adhere to mustard etiquette to experience its bright, zesty flavors at their most enjoyable.


Mustard and Charcuterie


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