Mustard Tourism (is a thing)

Welcome to the world of mustard tourism, filled with mustard factory tours, museums, and festivals. There's an entire world of mustard tourism experiences awaiting those who want to fully immerse themselves in the history, production, and celebration of this zesty condiment. From behind-the-scenes factory tours to exhibits memorializing mustard's storied past to lively annual festivals, these mustard destinations offer a glimpse into the magic and traditions behind your favorite seed-based spread.

Mustard Factory Tours

No mustard pilgrimage would be complete without visiting the hallowed grounds of celebrated mustard makers to see how the products get made:

Maille Mustard Factory (Paris, France) - This esteemed French brand offers tours of their historic mustard factory in the heart of Paris, complete with mustard sample tastings.

Mustard Museum & Puchheim's Factory (Middleton, WI) - Get a peek at authentic 1920s mustard production equipment and see how stone-ground mustard is made at this family-owned Wisconsin company.

Plochman's Factory (Batavia, IL) - A free tour of this American mustard institution includes viewing massive mustard seed grinders and walking through flavor-testing chambers.

Tracklements Mustard Factory (Wiltshire, England) - This British favorite offers a full "Mustard Maker" tour experience along with an entertaining mustard museum.

Mustard Museums & Exhibits

Dive into mustard history through these dedicated mustard museums and exhibits:

National Mustard Museum (Middleton, WI) - This iconic museum houses over 5,600 mustards from around the world, along with vintage mustard ads and memorabilia.

Mustard Museum of Mount Horeb (Mount Horeb, WI) - In America's "Mustard Capital", tour an array of unique mustard pots, mortars and mustard antiques.

Mustard Exhibits at the Sens Muséum (Sens, France) - In the medieval town where Dijon mustard originated, don't miss exhibits on mustard growing and Gallic mustard heritage.

La Moutarderie Edmond Fallot (Beaune, France) - France's last active traditional mustard mill from 1840 is now a mustard museum.

Mustard Festivals

For a true mustard celebration, these zany festivals across the globe aim to honor and exalt mustard:

The National Mustard Day Festival (Middleton, WI) - This yearly party in August celebrates National Mustard Day with mustard games, a mustard costume contest, and over 50 local mustard makers sharing their best blends.

The Mustard Festival of Châtillon-sur-Chalaronne (Châtillon, France) - Dijon's mustard rival, this French town hosts a three-day festival with tastings, cooking demos, concerts, and crowning of the Mustard King.

Gouglash Mustard Festival (Norfolk, England) - Dating back to the 1800s, this Norfolk town celebrates their spicy Gouglash mustard variety with traditional mustard tasting, costumes, and games.

With dedicated monuments to mustard art, culinary mastery, culture, and history around the globe, a flavorful and educationally zesty vacation awaits any mustard mavens out there.


Mythology and Mustard


Mustard and Pasta Twists in Italian Cuisine