Mustard and Tea Pairings for Enthusiasts

For adventurous mustard lovers in search of new flavor experiences, we give you: mustard and tea. While it may sound unorthodox at first, these two ingredients can actually complement each other surprisingly well when combined thoughtfully. Here are a few of our favorites:

English Mustard and Assam Black Tea

The potent kick of English mustard makes for an invigorating pairing with the rich, malty notes of Assam black tea. The sharp heat from the mustard cuts through the tea's bold, full-bodied flavor. Try spreading a thin layer of English mustard onto a cracker or piece of toast and enjoy it alongside a piping hot cup of Assam tea. The contrast yet balance of flavors is simply delightful.

English mustards we like:

Dijon Mustard and Earl Grey Tea

The bright, tangy character of Dijon mustard is an excellent match for the distinctive bergamot aroma in Earl Grey tea. Use Dijon as a tasty dip for scones or madeleines to accompany your bergamot-infused black tea. The mustard's subtle wine notes accentuate the citrusy essence of the Earl Grey beautifully.

Dijons we like:

Honey Mustard and Chamomile Tea

For a soothing yet zesty pairing, reach for a pot of gentle chamomile tea accompanied by a small dish of honey mustard. The floral sweetness of chamomile is deliciously accented by the honey mustard's mild heat and honey undertones. This comforting combo makes an ideal afternoon tea service.

Honey mustards we like:

Drunken Mustard and Lapsang Souchong Tea

Lapsang Souchong's very smoky, almost campfire-like character stands up incredibly well against a bold and zingy drunken mustard made with beer or whiskey. The intense smokiness of the tea matches the punch of the mustard for a robust, no-holds-barred flavor experience. Sample this gutsy pairing with a plate of charcuterie.

Drunken mustards we like:

While mustard and tea may seem like strange bedfellows at first, these pairings showcase how complementing contrasts in flavor can often work wonderfully together. Whether mustard serves as a zesty dip, spread or condiment, it has a unique ability to bring out new dimensions in certain teas. For tea enthusiasts seeking an adventurous spin on traditional tea pairings, these mustard and tea combinations are guaranteed to delight.


Using Mustard in Pickling and Canning


The brief history of mustard