Fancy Mustard

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Best classic French mustard brands

James Beard wrote, “the importance of mustard in French history cannot be overestimated,” and indeed, France, like many other places in the world, have a deep history with and relationship to mustard in all forms. Below are five classic French mustard brands, most of which have been in business for generations, and offer newer varieties in addition to their original blends.

Pommery - Made in Meaux for more than 200 years, Pommery’s Moutarde de Meaux’s original blend is a whole-grain variety sold in the brand’s iconic and charming stone crockery jars. The brand has since developed variations such as the royal blend made with congnac, the poivre vert (green peppercorn), the extra-fine Dijon, Basque espelette peppers, and even the “fireman’s blend” infused with spicy peppers.

Bornier - Another long-standing brand, Bornier traditional Dijon mustard has been made in France for over 200 years and comes in three types: original Dijon, whole grain Dijon, and honey Dijon.

Maille - Perhaps one of the more visible and well-known brands of French mustard, Maille has also been made for hundreds of years and its Dijon variety has been called a top ten kitchen staple by Bon Appetit. In addition to its vinegars and excellent cornichons, Maille offers both Dijon and whole grain, as well as old world style.

Edmond Fallot - Burgundy Edmund Fallot is another classic French mustard brand that’s been around since the mid-1800’s. Today, the business sells vinegar, relish, and mustard in plenty of varieties and flavors. Edmond Fallot has a creamy Dijon mustard, a whole grain seed mustard, a green peppercorn mustard, one made with Burgundy wine, and an especially delicious honey-balsamic Dijon variety.v Be sure not to miss Edmond Fallot’s blackcurrant mustard, walnut mustard, as well as the tarragon mustard.

Amora - The newer of the brands on this list, Amora is a popular brand in France with its fine Dijon mustard, and was described by a Seattle-Times food writer as the best mustard on the planet.

Maison Pebeyre - Those familiar with the brand will likely associate Maison Pebeyre more with its beloved truffle honey than mustard, but it’s hard-to-find truffle Dijon is worth the effort of tracking down. That said, Maison Pebeyre’s truffle salt, truffle mayonnaise, and black truffle sunflower oil should not be missed.